Kidney stones are today considered a major health concern as it causes you to experience pain and discomfort in your kidney or any other parts of the urinary tract. This condition can make your urine highly concentrated as the mineral crystallizes and bonds together. It can cause your urine to appear red or pink and even cause you intense pain while urinating. In this post, we will look at the possible treatments for Murray Hill kidney stones.
How are Kidney Stones formed?
As mentioned earlier, kidney stones are small hard objects that form in your urinary tract. Your urine naturally has various dissolved salts and minerals, but crystals tend to form when there are too many salts and minerals and little liquid. With time, these crystals build up and stick together to form a hard solid in your kidneys and bladder. If you are well-hydrated, your kidney will help get rid of these wastes through urine, but if you do not drink plenty of water, these crystals will accumulate in your urethra, bladder, and kidney, causing you pain and discomfort. Some of the most notable symptoms of kidney stones include; fever, nausea, chills, blood in your urine, abnormal pain in your lower back, cloudy urine with a foul smell, and vomiting. Fortunately, several treatment options are available to help treat kidney stones, such as nephrolithotripsy, ureteroscopy, and lithotripsy.
What are the Common Symptoms of Kidney Stones?
The severity of kidney stones symptoms usually depends on the size of the crystals, where the larger the crystals formed, the more severe the symptoms are. Kidney stones begin to cause pain and discomfort when they accumulate and block your urinary tract. Below are some of the common symptoms of kidney stones:
- Fever and chills
- Foul-smelling urine and appears cloudy
- Abnormal pain and discomfort in your stomach and groin
- Severe, persistent pain on both sides of your lower back
- Blood in your urine
- Vomiting and nausea
- Intense feeling to urinate
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Urinating frequently
Kidney stones can affect anyone, but it is very common among people between 20 and 50. The following are some of the different triggers that increase your risk of kidney stones:
1. Race. It has been reported that white people are more likely to develop kidney stones than black people.
2. Gender. Men are at increased risk of kidney stones than women.
3. Family medical history of kidney stones
4. Dehydration
5. Inflammatory bowel illnesses that increase the rate of calcium absorption
6. Being overweight
7. Eating diets with high levels of glucose, protein, and salt
8. Gastric bypass surgery
9. Certain medications, such as anti-seizure and calcium-based drugs
The type of treatment for kidney stones usually depends on the severity of the condition. Some of the available treatment solutions for kidney stones include:
1. Hydration. Drink at least six glasses of water daily to increase the flow of urine
2. Medications such as sodium bicarbonate, ibuprofen, naproxen, and allopurinol
3. Lithotripsy. This procedure involves using shockwaves to disintegrate the large crystals formed in your urinary tract.
4. Tunnel surgery. This procedure involves surgically removing the large pebbles from your kidneys. It is recommended for severe cases of kidney stones.
5. Pain management. Your doctor may prescribe short-term remedies for mild cases of kidney stones, such as applying a heating pad to the affected area and taking a hot shower.
Kidney stones are small hard deposits comprising salts and minerals that form in the kidneys. Kidney stones are usually caused by being overweight, family medical history, dehydration, eating diets with high glucose levels, pre-existing medical conditions, certain medications, and supplements. This condition can also be caused by not drinking enough water. . Fortunately, several treatment options are available to help treat kidney stones, such as nephrolithotripsy, ureteroscopy, and lithotripsy.