As soon as you start your own company in products, you will have to deal with purchasing. In most cases you do this at a wholesaler. But what is a wholesaler, and why would you want to buy there? You can read that and more in this blog. 

What is a wholesaler? 

At a wholesaler you buy the products directly from the intermediary. The wholesaler buys the products from the manufacturers and then sells them to entrepreneurs. You, as a retailer, then sell the products to the consumers. In most cases, you buy your products, such as desiccated coconut from a wholesaler for the purchase price. That is advantageous, because it allows you to sell the products at a retail price, and you save a lot on your purchase. You buy all the necessary products in one go. That saves invoices and therefore also bookkeeping. Whether you are an entrepreneur, reseller, an association or a government institution, everyone except consumers can go to a wholesaler.  

If you are looking for a wholesaler, it is good to check whether they have certain certificates, whether they hold extra services such as workshops and inspiration sessions, whether there is personal contact and whether good reviews are available. After all, you don’t want to work with a wholesaler that is not reliable. In addition, it is also good to check whether the wholesaler understands the products you are going to buy. After all, you want to sell the best quality products to your consumers. 

Wholesale benefits 

It has already been mentioned above, but the competitive prices of the products are one of the biggest advantages. In addition, you can buy nuts in bulk, which is useful, because that way you have a large stock. You can also buy some products from wholesalers in smaller individual packages. Most wholesalers do not have a minimum order quantity. This allows you to order what you need and you are not tied to a certain number of products. This makes it easy to try out a new product before buying it in bulk. 

Purchasing from a wholesaler saves you a lot of time. You don’t have to scour several things to keep your stock up to date, and there are no multiple invoices to process. As an entrepreneur, you are often looking for special products. You often don’t find them in normal stores. You will find them at a wholesaler, for example there are wholesalers specialized in organic products, beauty products, or products for catering companies.